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تخصص النسائية والتوليد - جراحة النسائية - الجراحة النسائية - الجراحة الروبوتية

طب النساء والتوليد هو تخصص شامل للغاية: يشمل متابعة الحمل، وعلاج العقم، والولادات، والفحوص السنوية بما في ذلك فحص الزحاف، والموجات فوق الصوتية النسائية للحوض الصغير وعند الحاجة يشمل الجراحة والعمليات الجراحية

قاع الحوض

أتحديد الحمل ومتابعة الحمل بالمتابعة الصوتية بالموجات فوق الصوتية حتى اللحظة الحاسمة مع الولادة: نحن مستعدون لمساعدتكم في الرعاية المبكرة لأطفالكم.


طب النساء

الوقاية خير من العلاج

قاع الحوض

أصبح تسرب البول أو هبوط المثانة أو الرحم أكثر شيوعًا

Since September 2019, I have started robotic surgery in Gynecology together with Dr. Bafort, the beginning of a whole new wind and evolution within gynecological surgery.

Dr. Charlotte Maene

Dr. Maene and Dr. Bafort travel the world to take additional surgery courses in various countries. They have already visited the IRCAD Laparoscopic Training Center in Strasbourg, France several times together. There they followed various laparoscopy courses under the watchful eye of Professor Arnaud Wattiez.

They also visit Prof. Wattiez every year in February in Dubai, where his annual ‘Endo Dubai’ conference on Endometriosis takes place. An extremely fascinating conference where world authorities in the surgical treatment of endometriosis come to give lectures.

In June 2022, they crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the United States of America to visit Prof. Dr. Paya Pasic in his operating room in Louisville, Kentucky. Prof Pasic specializes in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy) for extremely obese people with BMIs over 60. As a result, we no longer shy away from also performing minimally invasive surgery on heavier patients to spare them an open procedure.

Dr. Maene went to Krakow in Poland in May 2023 to give a presentation at the EBCOG conference (European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynecology). There she presented the new robot UPS technology.

Dr. Maene and Dr. Bafort recently visited The Princess Grace Hospital in London twice to see Dr. Denis Tsepov at work, who specializes in robotic procedures for removing endometriosis.

“This way we can continue to update our skills and learn new techniques to take even better care of our patients.”