A well-known saying. Annual check-ups, supplemented with a Pap smear every 3 years, are important for women’s health. Some conditions or diseases can be asymptomatic or present with few symptoms, which can lead to the discovery of certain conditions during routine examinations.
When certain conditions, diseases, or bothersome symptoms arise, it might sometimes be necessary to undergo a surgical procedure. Dr. Maene and Dr. Bafort are highly skilled surgeons, specialized in hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and robotic surgery.
A procedure performed vaginally, where the cervix is opened to allow the insertion of a camera into the uterus. Surgeons obtain a clear image of the internal part of the uterus. This procedure is important in the diagnostic process of infertility and is also an elegant method for the removal of fibroids or polyps. This operation takes place in a day hospital setting and causes minimal post-operative pain for patients. Slight vaginal bleeding may occur after this procedure, which is normal.
This procedure is performed through small incisions in the abdomen (5 to 12 mm), where laparoscope ports are inserted to allow the passage of a camera and instruments. This enables most gynaecological operations to be performed without open surgery. This method results in easier recovery, less pain, and fewer postoperative complications. This surgical approach is considered the present and future of surgery. Laparoscopy can be used for diagnostic purposes (such as detecting endometriosis) as well as performing procedures like sterilizations, removal of ovaries or fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy removal, and fibroid removal.
Minimally invasive interventions are often performed using a robot. When the robot is connected to traditional laparoscopic ports in the abdomen, the patient’s tissues undergo less trauma, leading to reduced postoperative pain. Additionally, the robot is equipped with a camera that offers a 10 times magnification and optical zoom function, along with 360-degree mobility, facilitating the surgery’s execution. The robot also allows us to switch to FireFly mode and mark lymph nodes in fluorescent green. Robotic operations are performed in the following cases: